The role of this site is undoubtedly to mediate the first contact with the V&A lawyers and to outline an image of perspective on a possible collaboration.
From contractual or tortious civil liability, succession or family relations to the negotiation, conclusion or execution and termination of contracts, the V&A team covers the entire spectrum of situations that can intervene in the area of civil law, both between natural persons and for legal entities, as an expression of civil business law.
The V&A team offers assistance and legal consultancy services in the corporate field, including the procedures for setting up companies, drafting/amending corporate structure documents, acquisitions and mergers but also dissolution and liquidation, reports that may appear both in the relationship with the Trade Register and in within the company or towards third parties.
In the field of administrative and fiscal litigation, we are actively involved in resolving disputes between natural or legal persons and institutions or public authorities. Through our practice, we deal with a wide range of situations arising in this field, from the preliminary procedures and obtaining the suspension of the challenged administrative act, to the pronouncement of a final decision by the court.
One of our missions is the careful analysis of the context in which our clients operate in order to provide customized solutions with the aim of optimizing management and reducing operational costs. In such a competitive area, we successfully provide appropriate solutions according to the particularities of each case we face, in areas such as real estate development, road and highway construction works, the pharmaceutical industry, the HoReCa field, media, plastics processing, etc.
„Încă de la începutul colaborării, Cristian mi-a inspirat multă pasiune pentru dreptul civil, în general, și față de spețele complexe, în special.
Am apreciat întotdeauna la el pregătirea riguroasă precum și entuziasmul și răbdarea în abordarea fiecărei probleme juridice, astfel încât să putem merge și pe căi nebătătorite.
Totodată, lucrările lui au fost atent îngrijite, au reflectat un înalt standard de calitate și au demonstrat o bună documentare a fiecărui caz.
Un plus în colaborarea noastră de-a lungul mai multor ani a fost și disponibilitatea permanentă manifestată de Cristian, acest aspect fiind esențial mai ales în situațiile urgente.”
Adelina Ionescu, Director Direcția Juridică, banking.